Six Sentence Sunday — The P.U.R.E.

Welcome to my FIRST “Six Sentence Sunday”. Thank you for visiting and especially for any comments you might leave me.

This six comes from my debut novel, a romantic suspense, The P.U.R.E., to be published by J Taylor Publishing in April 2012. P.U.R.E stands for Previously Undetected Recruiting Error, by the way.

In this scene, our heroine, Gayle, arrives at the offices of her employer, Anderson Blakely, CPA’s.  Jon is a close co-worker.  Gayle made a shocking discovery about her very private but platonic friend the day before and has been prepping to appear unfazed.

The next morning, Jon had his head down working when I arrived. I dropped my purse with a loud thud, and slipped off my jacket. A mellow version of Billy Idol’s Rebel Yell wormed its way in my head, and demanded I sing along. Why anyone thought piping bad elevator music into an office made sense had always stumped me. We were accountants not savages.

“Good morning, Jon.”

If you enjoyed that, I hope you’ll pick up a copy of The P.U.R.E. right after you file your tax return next year, on or around April 16, 2012 when it releases.  I promise you a lot more humor, romance, intrigue and even a little action.  Psst…there’s also some sex.  Shhhh….

Be sure to check out the host site, Six Sentence Sunday, for links to more tantalizing snippets from some very talented writers.

23 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday — The P.U.R.E.

    • We’re not, we’re not!! Though a Mormon Tabernacle Choir rendition of Rebel Yell can certainly rouse us. This is one of those bits that I’ve plucked from real life. I was Gayle.

    • Thanks, Lindsay. I don’t think the public would buy a book about CPAs if there wasn’t some tongue-in-cheek humor, snark, and irony. There’s guns and sex too. I’m not totally lacking in knowledge of what the savage readers want. LOL

  1. Welcome, welcome 🙂

    “…accountants not savages…”

    What a wonderful line! …if your humour is that good throughout the story, I’m sure it will be an excellent read 🙂

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  3. Hey Claire, it was my first week too. Coming from the corporate world I identify completely with Gayle. Much luck with it, I look forward to next week’s entry.

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