AW Blog Chain November — The Blurb

This month’s prompt:
NaBloPoMo – National Blog Posting Month (not affiliated with the real NaBloPoMo).

Write up a back cover blurb for a book you have written or would like to write. It should be short, sweet, yet give a sense of people and events without totally spoiling the ending.

I was preceded in the chain by MysteryRiter and Jarrah Dale will follow me.  A list of all the participants wraps up the post.  Give ’em all a read if you can!

My blurb is for a YA speculative fiction novel I want to write. I’ve written seven flash fictions (links on my flash fiction tab) featuring the both the “subby”, Garman, and the “cloudy”, Ruey, including one where the two protagonists meet, and have the general idea in my head, but that’s about it.  Oh, and I have the cover in mind…well, one possibility (see above) when I considered making it steampunk, which I still may.

Before I share, however, please remember that this is practice for me because blurbs and queries are the BANE of my writer’s existence.  Oy!


The surface of the Earth is uninhabitable, or so everyone has been saying for the past two millenia.  Sixteen year old Garman is among the fifty brave pilgrims annually allowed to leave the oppressive rulership of their subterranean world and take their chances above.  No matter what the surface holds, Garman would rather die free, than live enslaved.

Hovering nearly a mile above the dead landscape of Terra, an aerial city circumnavigates the Earth once per year.  During Ruey’s sixteenth orbit, she discovers her city is slowly falling, and those who know the truth have been disappearing. Ruey is certain her not-so-utopian society is hiding more than just the secret of their death spiral.

With the surface looming closer for those rising up and those falling down, two troubled, insular societies will clash at the horizon, and discover that fact is legend and legend is fact.

Participants and posts:
orion_mk3 – (link to this month’s post)
Ralph Pines – (link to this month’s post)
MysteryRiter – (link to this month’s post)
AuburnAssassin – YOU ARE HERE
Jarrah Dale – (link to this month’s post)
SinisterCola – (link to this month’s post)
dolores haze – (link to this month’s post)
pyrosama – (link to this month’s post)
Alynza – (link to this month’s post)
anarchicq – (link to this month’s post)
writingismypassion – (link to this month’s post)
CScottMorris – (link to this month’s post)

24 thoughts on “AW Blog Chain November — The Blurb

    • Deleted my first comment because I wasn’t talking about the same story but the one I excerpted for Six Sentence Sunday. Doh!! That’ll teach me to do all my comments from the WP dashboard! LOL Any-who…thank you, Diane. I don’t know when I’ll get to this one. Oy! so many story ideas, so little time.

  1. Pingback: Weekend Roundup: October 30-November 5 + Blog Chain « Neither Here nor There….

  2. Ooh, the first paragraph had be saying: Hunger Games
    The next one made me think Star Trek episode, The Cloud Minders.
    But the last paragraph made me say, okay, so what is the tie between these two characters. Do they work together to find a solution? Do they never meet?

    We need to know or else why introduce them to us if they are not going to struggle to make things change?

    That’s my two cents!


  3. I’d love to read this, so… get to work! You don’t actually need to sleep *every* night, do you? 😛

  4. Pingback: AW November Blog Chain Post « Gates' Claptrap

  5. Pingback: Love In A Cold Climate | Diane Dooley

  6. Wow! I love the cover and the concept! Someone said it’s an intersection of spirals both physical and mental. Gritty, old fashioned, can I read it now? Please?

    There is a game my brother-in-law loves called Bio-shock. Ok, it’s greusome, but the setting and history are what made me sit and watch. Worth a look at, if just to see the opening.

    • Thank you, Dale! Alas, this one isn’t written yet other than a few flash fictions that birthed and/or further delved into the ideas. They’re on my blog on the Flash Fiction tab under Sci-Fi Serial.

  7. Pingback: » November Blog Chain – Book Blurb

  8. I expected you to grace us with the actual blurb from your soon-to-be-published book. So much the better that it’s something unexpected!

    It sounds like quite the tale. I was reminded of that classic Star Trek episode “the Cloud Minders” and that somewhat less classic video game “Breath of Fire V.”

    • I remember, vaguely, that episode only that city was stationary I thought. Mine’s an airship / city. What I most remember about that episode though was the awful padded bra top Kirk’s love interest wore. LOL

  9. Pingback: November Blog Chain- Cover Copy | Inkstroke's Blog

    • Thanks. It’s so much harder to write a blurb when you’ve not written the story yet. I have one short story about their meeting but I’ve other ideas on how to do it too. Analysis paralysis.

  10. Pingback: What about blurbs? Can you write one? « Thea Atkinson

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